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Whiskey Slide & Schaad Road Bridges

134_WhiskeySlideSchaadBridgesWorking with a local engineering firm, HELIX is conducting environmental compliance studies in support of CEQA/NEPA documentation for two bridge replacement projects in Calaveras County (Caltrans District 10). HELIX prepared the draft Preliminary Environmental Study (PES) for both projects and submitted them to Caltrans for review/approval; conducted baseline biological resources investigations (including rare plant surveys and jurisdictional wetland delineations); and initiated cultural resources investigations and Native American consultation. By concurrently conducting the baseline biological survey with a rare plant survey, HELIX was able to provide a dual service to the client that resulted in considerable time and cost savings. Organized public outreach is underway to ensure community members are involved in the process and community concerns are addressed in a proactive manner. Other tasks include a Natural Environment Study (NES), noise study report, visual resource assessment, hazardous materials investigation (Phase I Environmental Site Assessment), air quality analysis, and permitting. All work is being performed in accordance with the County of Calaveras and Caltrans’ Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM).

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