HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) is an employee-owned firm and a leader in environmental planning and natural resource sustainability. Established in 1991 and with offices in San Diego, Los Angeles, Orange, Placer, Riverside, and Sacramento counties, along with the Bay Area, HELIX provides a broad range of environmental consulting, design, and restoration services throughout California and the western United States. HELIX has extensive experience helping public and private clients comply with environmental laws and regulations, manage natural and cultural resources, and design and construct sustainable projects.
Our deep pool of staff across California includes environmental planners, technical study specialists (e.g., air quality/greenhouse gas and acoustical specialists), registered professional archaeologists, architectural historians, ecologists, permitted wildlife biologists and botanists, certified arborists, landscape architects, wetland scientists, environmental compliance monitors, habitat mitigation experts, regulatory permitting specialists, habitat restoration specialists, vegetation management field crews, equipment operators, native plant nursery specialists, certified drone pilots, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) specialists.