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Victor Ortiz Promoted to Environmental Planning Group Manager

Mar 28, 2025 | Newsroom

Victor Ortiz headshotWe are excited to announce the promotion of Victor Ortiz to Environmental Planning Group Manager!

In this expanded role, Victor joins the Southern California Planning Division leadership overseeing a diverse team of environmental planners and technical specialists for noise, vibration, air quality, and greenhouse gas who are responsible for documentation and compliance pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

Victor has 19 years of professional experience with 11 years at HELIX that included serving as a team lead and Principal Air Quality/Climate Change Specialist. He is experienced in environmental documentation for CEQA and NEPA analysis, construction and operational air quality and greenhouse gas emissions impact analyses, air pollutant health risk impact assessments, and climate action plan/greenhouse gas reduction plan consistency assessments. Victor has also served as a peer reviewer to agencies and local governments across California for infrastructure, development, transportation, and utility projects.

Victor is well-versed in the National and California Ambient Air Quality Standards, as well as the rules and regulations adopted by many local air districts, such as the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) and the San Diego County Air Pollution Control District. He is also thoroughly experienced with air pollutant modeling software. In addition, Victor is an accredited CARB Greenhouse Gas Emissions Lead Verifier.

Our staff, clients, and teaming partners have enjoyed Victor’s contributions and outstanding service. We are proud of Victor and look forward to his continued success at HELIX, so please join us in celebrating this accomplishment!

For More Information
HELIX offers a full range of CEQA/NEPA compliance services across California. For more information or to discuss your project, please contact Victor at victoro@helixepi.com.

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