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Stock Ranch Nature Preserve

Stock Ranch Nature PreserveHELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) staff developed a restoration, trails, and interpretive plan for the Stock Ranch Nature Preserve in the City of Citrus Heights. The preserve is a 47-acre open-space park with over 1.5 miles of walking paths along Arcade and San Juan Creeks. Project staff held site tours with over 300 members of the public participating. HELIX staff also developed and maintained an interactive public outreach website for the public to watch a video site tour, view site photos, and leave comments. As the project progressed, project updates, conceptual plan, and additional information were posted to the website. The plan included interpretive signs and interpretive play features covering oak and riparian woodlands, vernal pools/wetlands, native plants, water quality, and wildlife. Conceptual design and construction documents were prepared for the trails, interpretive sign panels, sign frames, kiosks, main entry sign, native plant demonstration garden, and oak woodland restoration area.

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