Compliance Monitoring
To ensure that a project’s mitigation measures are successfully implemented and meet environmental compliance requirements, HELIX brings extensive experience to clients through both the design and implementation of Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Programs (MMRPs). These programs are prepared in consultation with the project CEQA and/or NEPA lead agency and affected regulatory agencies and often incorporate a project’s permit conditions. HELIX has prepared mitigation monitoring programs for a variety of projects, including large-scale land developments, reservoirs, water reclamation facilities, and ocean outfall construction. HELIX has also served as the Environmental Manager for work on Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton in San Diego County. Mitigation monitoring programs identify monitoring and reporting procedures, monitoring responsibilities, and monitoring schedules for all mitigation measures and permit conditions identified.

Mitigation Tracking Programs
To facilitate the implementation and ease the compliance and reporting process, HELIX has developed a variety of mitigation tracking programs, based on the needs of the individual project. The mitigation tracking programs are provided to all project team members and include copies of project permits, applicable mitigation and monitoring requirements, parties responsible for carrying out the mitigation measures, reporting requirements, a monitoring tracking sheet, and a schedule. HELIX is adept at ensuring that projects stay in compliance with the mitigation measures and permit conditions as a means of keeping projects on schedule and budget.
Our mitigation monitoring services include:
- Pre-construction surveys and assessments
- Permit compliance
- Construction and mitigation monitoring
- Post-construction monitoring of habitat restoration and revegetation areas
- Reporting
Service Areas
HELIX provides a suite of services centered upon environmental compliance prior to and during project implementation. These services include:
- Biological monitoring
- Cultural resource monitoring
- Noise monitoring
- Air quality monitoring
- SWPPP Best Management Practices (BMP) monitoring
Environmental compliance monitoring programs are tailored to each project and client. In addition, HELIX staff are cross-trained in the various disciplines (biological, cultural resources, air quality and SWPPP) such that multiple functions are often completed by a single staff member, thereby providing more continuity and cost savings throughout project implementation.