Cultural Resource Management
HELIX Environmental Planning helps clients navigate the often complicated requirements of cultural resource laws and regulatory agencies at local, state, federal, and tribal levels to facilitate compliance and preservation of resources that are historically or culturally significant. We offer a full range of cultural resource management services from northern to southern California including archaeological studies, historic structure assessments, testing and data recovery, Native American consultation and coordination, and mitigation planning and monitoring.

An Experienced Team You Can Trust
With Registered Professional Archaeologists (RPAs), a large network of field archeologists, and architectural historians, we provide expert guidance to clients for a variety of project types ranging in scale, complexity, and setting from small residential lots and infill development, to telecommunications and long linear energy projects. We have also supported numerous public infrastructure projects including sewer, water, and storm water; roadways and public transit; parks and Resource Management Plan areas; fire stations; and school facilities, as well as solar energy, natural gas, and electrical transmission lines and generation facilities.
A Full Range of Services
HELIX cultural resource specialists have extensive experience with all phases of archaeological and historical studies including:
- Archaeological and historical surveys, excavation, testing and data recovery programs
- Cultural resource displays and interpretive design
- Cultural resource inventories (including Phase II and III)
- Cultural resource monitoring (including construction monitoring)
- Historic and archival research
- Oral history interviews
- Historic property and building surveys, contexts, and documentation (including HABS/HAER-level documentation)
- Conditions assessment; design review and historic building rehabilitation and guidance
- Historic property tax credit application assistance
- Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plans
- Memoranda of Agreement/Understanding
- Predictive modeling
- Preservation plans and historic property management plans
- Recommendations for National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and California Register of Historical Resources (CRHP) eligibility and/or listing
- Section 106 cultural resource overviews
- State/Tribal Historic Preservation Officer coordination
- Traditional Cultural Properties studies
- Tribal consultation, including assistance with government coordination
AB-52 Consulting
Assembly Bill 52 (AB 52) introduced the Tribal Cultural Resource (TCR) as a class of cultural resource to be considered under CEQA and mandated additional considerations relating to Native American consultation. The consideration of TCRs and other Native American concerns related to cultural resources is similar to the consideration of Traditional Cultural Properties (TCPs) under federal law and the Native American consultation that is mandated by Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. While AB 52 requires government-to-government consultation with tribal entities, HELIX eases this process for agencies, due to our excellent working relationships with Native American communities.
HELIX holds a Bureau of Land Management (BLM) permit that allows us to work on all BLM-owned land throughout California. With this permit in-hand, we are ready to hit the ground running and can avoid the usual delays for agency authorization on cultural resources fieldwork. This is a valuable benefit for any clients with projects on BLM-owned land.