CEQA/NEPA Compliance
With our more than 30 years of extensive experience providing environmental planning services throughout California, HELIX Environmental Planning has developed a proven approach to environmental compliance that produces legally defensible documents in an efficient, cost-effective manner. We devote the utmost attention to quality which has given our clients the confidence to bring their most sensitive and controversial projects to us, time and time again.

HELIX has completed environmental documents for virtually every project type. This includes residential, mixed-use, commercial, industrial, and transit-oriented development projects. We have worked on general, community, and specific plans as well as documents for educational, medical, institutional, and correctional facilities. In addition, we have supported a variety of public infrastructure projects from pipelines and water treatment plants, to fire stations, parks, roads, bridges, and highways.
CEQA Compliance Documents
Our environmental consultants prepare California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) compliance documents for local/regional public agencies and districts, private developers, and state agencies. These environmental documents include:
- Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs)
- Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Programs (MMRPs)
- CEQA Findings and Statements of Overriding Considerations
- Negative Declarations (NDs) and Mitigated Negative Declarations (MNDs)
- Initial Studies and Scoping Documents
- Public Notices
- Categorical Exemptions
NEPA Compliance Documents
Our expertise also includes preparing National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance documents for federal agencies, as well as local/regional public agencies and districts, private developers, and state agencies seeking federal permits/funding for their projects. These environmental documents include:
- Environmental Impact Statements (EISs)
- Environmental Assessments (EAs)
- Findings of No Significant Impact (FONSIs)
- Preliminary Environmental Assessment Reports (PEARs)
- Joint CEQA/NEPA Documents
- Notices of Intent (NOIs)
- NEPA Records of Decision (RODs)
Additional Environmental Consulting Services
From on-call environmental compliance services and extension of staff, to the management of public meetings, workshops, and hearings, we provide a wide range of additional services related to CEQA/NEPA compliance. We can assist with Section 4(f) or 6(f) compliance documentation, CEQA Plus documentation for State Revolving Funds, community impact assessments, visual impact studies, environmental constraints and facility citing studies, and more.
HELIX has in-depth experience implementing all aspects of the environmental process and we understand the importance of assuring that regulatory procedures are rigorously followed to avoid delays. With a staff of approximately 200 that includes planners, scientists, biologists, archaeologists, architectural historians, acoustical and air quality specialists, GIS specialists, project managers, and other specialists and staff, HELIX has the necessary depth and breadth of staff to ensure responsive and comprehensive service to all of our clients.