Acoustics & Noise Studies
HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) provides a wide range of residential, commercial, industrial, and transportation noise assessment, vibration analysis, and noise control services to assist our clients with land use planning, environmental compliance, architectural design, and industrial operations. HELIX also provides forensics analysis for acoustical inadequacies and professional support for legal actions including research, depositions, court testimony, and development of feasible mitigation solutions.

Land Use Planning & Environmental Compliance
Our acoustical specialists prepare technical studies that help our clients comply with applicable local, state, and federal environmental regulations, including local noise ordinances, CEQA, NEPA, and state and federal Endangered Species Acts. Most frequently, these studies focus on predicting transportation, stationary equipment (such as heating, ventilation, and air conditioning [HVAC] systems), and construction equipment noise and vibration impacts on sensitive uses such as residential, hotels, schools, churches, libraries, and hospitals. In addition to evaluating the impact of noise on people, HELIX evaluates noise impacts on rare and endangered biological species. We also offer environmental compliance monitoring services to ensure that specified noise level goals are achieved. Our land use environmental noise planning and compliance services include:
- Transportation noise impact assessment and control
- Point source (e.g., HVAC, pump stations, and generators) noise impact modeling
- Construction noise and vibration estimation and control
- Evaluation of endangered species impacts and construction monitoring
- Post-construction noise level verification and monitoring
Architectural Design
We provide evaluations, planning, and recommendations for new construction or redevelopment of residential and commercial buildings with regulatory submittals for Building Code Requirements and Community Standards, including:
- Exterior-to-interior planning for compliance with California Code of Regulations Title 24 standards
- Building design, analysis, and recommendations
- Common wall and floor-ceiling assemblies evaluation and analysis
- Sound transmission and impact insulation field testing; Field Sound Transmission Class (FSTC) and Field Impact Isolation Class (FIIC)
- Interior noise reverberation control
- HVAC systems noise control
Industrial Operations
Our industrial noise control design services focus on compliance with local, state, and federal regulations. We have conducted studies for a variety of industrial uses including public utilities, diesel engine and turbine prime and backup power systems, and manufacturing facilities.
Industrial noise assessments begin with an evaluation of the expected or actual noise generated by sources such as compressors, generators, pump stations, turbines, and air handling systems. Once the noise generation potential is analyzed and compared to local regulations for noise limits, our noise specialists make specific recommendations for noise control solutions that are not only successful, but cost-effective. Industrial noise control design services include:
- Noise control enclosure and building design
- Ventilation systems planning
- Cooling systems and exhaust noise planning and control
- Mechanical vibration transmission control
- Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA) compliance noise monitoring and hearing conservation plans