The world of healthcare is constantly evolving and at a pace that continues to astound even the most seasoned organizations. Combined with the increased cost of care, demand for services, aging populations, and the drastic changes brought about through healthcare reform, the expansion of medical facilities along with infrastructure development is more important than ever.

HELIX Environmental Planning has experience completing complex environmental documents, technical analyses, permitting, biological and cultural resource surveys, native plant landscaping, habitat installation and maintenance, and construction monitoring for both healthcare and large-scale development projects. From hospital and emergency department expansions, to new medical office buildings and community health clinics, HELIX has been a part of a variety of healthcare projects.
Our established working relationships with local agencies and in-depth knowledge of processes and requirements promise a strong addition to your project team. We offer unique insight to effectively and efficiently address your unique needs while meeting regulatory requirements, so that your projects stay on track and within budget. HELIX’s strong performance in delivering high quality products efficiently and effectively ensures you can provide the best care to your patients.