Energy & Utilities
With a high customer demand for green and clean energy—combined with supportive policies, abundant sunshine, wind, and geothermal resources—California and the western U.S. is often the ideal location for renewable energy development. California energy developers also face our state’s famously complex environmental compliance process and an array of federal environmental laws and regulations.

From managing large-scale public involvement campaigns to conducting environmental permitting and compliance monitoring, HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) has helped clients navigate these complexities and obtain project approvals on many solar, wind, transmission, and natural gas projects.
We have developed an excellent reputation and rapport with the regulatory agencies by providing high-quality work that meets the regulatory requirements, while staunchly representing our clients in a manner to limit project requirements and commitments to those necessary for project conditions and current regulatory guidance. The results are smart, flexible, cost-effective, and sensible solutions.
California is a hot spot for wind farms, photovoltaic arrays, and other energy projects, and is also home to a variety of flora and fauna, some of which are federally or state-listed threatened or endangered species. HELIX biologists have extensive experience mapping vegetation, conducting jurisdictional delineations, performing habitat assessments, and conducting focused surveys for plant and wildlife species, including rare plants, burrowing owl, golden eagle, and desert tortoise. Additionally, we conduct avian point counts, raptor migration count studies, and bat surveys, to assess risk to these species for energy development projects. Our team of over 40 biologists has expertise in U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and Bureau of Land Management protocols for the clearance and handling of federally and state-protected plants and animals.