HELIX is leading a 57-acre habitat restoration project within the San Diego River channel, between I-15 and I-805, south of the former Qualcomm Stadium, in the Mission Valley area of the City of San Diego. The restoration project is serving as mitigation for multiple public utilities projects for the City of San Diego. The project area includes a one-mile stretch of river, and ranges in width from 300 to 800 feet. Initial phases of the project include development and implementation of a SWPPP and removal of non-native species within the river channel using heavy equipment. Following removal of non-native species, HELIX installed irrigation over approximately 30 acres, followed by native plant and seed installation. The native plant material will aid in stabilization of the disturbed areas within the river channel and provide native habitat for species such as the least Bell’s vireo. The project period is expected to last over six years, with a one-year installation phase followed by five years of maintenance and biological monitoring to ensure success criteria outlined in the regulatory permits are satisfied.