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Proctor Valley Vernal Pools & Upland Restoration

Proctor Valle VP restorationHELIX Environmental Planning biologists and habitat restoration experts conducted a vernal pool and upland restoration in San Diego County for the Chaparral Lands Conservancy. The Proctor Valley site is approximately six acres, most of which was designated for habitat restoration. The goal of the project was to stabilize and aid recovery of populations of sensitive species associated with vernal pools. The project also targeted the improvement of nearby upland vegetation and sensitive species. HELIX conducted grading, seed collection, soil inoculum collection, seed and container-stock plant propagation, installation of plants and seed, weed control, and installation reporting, and also installed burrowing owl burrows to encourage nesting for this sensitive species. HELIX also conducted maintenance to facilitate the early establishment of the vernal pool and upland habitats.



Proctor Valley Vernal Pool Restoration Project from The Chaparral Lands Conservancy on Vimeo.

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