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Lilac Hills Ranch

Lilac Hills Ranch CulturalHELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) provided cultural resource management services for the proposed 608-acre Lilac Hills Ranch community located in northern unincorporated San Diego County. The project proposes the development of a new mixed use master planned community including 1,746 new dwelling units with varying lot sizes, commercial/mixed use, a neighborhood-serving commercial Town Center, retail uses, park and private recreation uses, a senior center, a school site, a waste recycling facility, a wastewater reclamation facility, active orchards, and other supporting infrastructure. HELIX conducted cultural resource surveys, testing/assessment of several archaeological sites, recorded historic buildings/structures, developed a research design and data recovery plan for a significant archaeological site, and worked with the Native American community and the applicant to develop a preservation plan for a significant cultural resource. HELIX produced a comprehensive survey and testing report and worked with the EIR preparer on the EIR section and Responses to Comments.

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