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HELIX Recognized at ACEC California Engineering Excellence Awards

Feb 26, 2020 | Newsroom

The American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) California Engineering Excellence Awards banquet was held the evening of February 13, 2020 in Los Angeles. At the event, Engineering Excellence Honor Awards were presented for the Interstate 5 (I-5) Genesee Improvements Project and the Upas Street Pipeline Replacement Project– and for both, HELIX was recognized for its significant role in support of the awarded prime consultants.



For the I-5 Genesee Improvements project, HELIX provided environmental consulting services in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act and National Environmental Policy Act (CEQA/NEPA), including the preparation of a Mitigated Negative Declaration/Environmental Assessment (MND/EA) and technical studies in the areas of air quality, cultural resources, biological resources, and visual resources. Biological field studies completed by HELIX included a general biological survey, vegetation mapping, jurisdictional delineation, and focused surveys for rare plants, least Bell’s vireo, coastal California gnatcatcher, and Pacific pocket mouse.  Biological reports completed by HELIX included a Natural Environment Study, Biological Assessment, and Jurisdictional Delineation Report. HELIX also assisted with the search for wetland and upland mitigation sites, and conducted biological and noise monitoring during construction.


For the Upas Street Pipeline project, HELIX prepared a Biological Technical Report and oversaw the preparation of a Historical Resources Technical Report for the proposed replacement of approximately 5.4 miles of cast iron pipelines in Upas Street between Pacific Highway and Ray Street. The pipeline is primarily located within City of San Diego streets but crosses a portion of the City’s Multi-Habitat Planning Area in Balboa Park and crosses under State Route (SR) 163. HELIX conducted general biological surveys, identified potentially jurisdictional areas, provided input to the project design team regarding avoidance/minimization measures, calculated impacts, and recommended mitigation measures in compliance with the City’s Multiple Species Conservation Program. The Historical Resources Technical Report addressed historic buildings, sidewalk stamps, a cobble wall, and the Cabrillo Freeway Historic District, as well as the potential for archaeological resources.


HELIX was honored to be a part of both projects.

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