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City of San Diego Bicycle Master Plan Update PEIR

City of San Diego Bicycle Master Plan UpdateHELIX Environmental Planning prepared a Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) for an update to the City of San Diego’s existing Bicycle Master Plan. The update more than doubled the number of miles of bicycle facilities and increased the total length of bicycle facilities to approximately 1,090 miles. The update also enhanced bicycle support facilities, such as bicycle parking and storage, and promoted education and awareness of bicycling opportunities in the City. HELIX worked closely with City staff to create an approach to the PEIR that was tailored to minimize the cost of the document due to limited funding, while at the same time maximizing the utility of the PEIR for the future implementation of the bicycle facilities included in the update. HELIX’s work on the PEIR was recognized by the San Diego Chapter of the American Planning Association (APA). The update and PEIR were given the Association’s Transportation Planning Award in 2015.

Specific services provided by HELIX on this project included environmental constraints analysis; CEQA/NEPA document preparation, biology studies, rare plant surveys, and jurisdictional delineations; conformance with Caltrans and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) requirements; regulatory permitting (including Section 404 permits, Section 401 certifications, federal coastal consistency determinations, California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) 1602 SAA, and support to SANDAG in obtaining Coastal Development Permits (CDPs); preparation of other technical studies, including air quality reports, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reports, Section 4(f) evaluations, and visual impact studies; and participation in numerous Project Design Team meetings with SANDAG and Caltrans staff and consultants. HELIX has also overseen environmental technical studies by subconsultants, including cultural resource surveys and Section 106 compliance. In addition, HELIX has coordinated with Caltrans’ Division of Local Assistance and provided environmental services support to SANDAG to obtain NEPA Categorical Exclusion (CEs) for the segments.














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