Cultural Resource Management, Projects, Sectors, Water Resources
HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) conducted environmental consulting and cultural resource management services for the Lake Wohlford Dam expansion project for the City of Escondido. The City proposes to raise the current water level by reconditioning the dam and...
Featured Water Resoures, Projects, Sectors, Water Resources
HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) is preparing a Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) for the Nevada Irrigation District’s Raw Water Master Plan. The Nevada Irrigation District is a diversified water resource agency that supplies water to nearly 25,000 homes,...
CEQA/NEPA Compliance, Featured CEQA, Featured Water Resoures, Projects, Sectors, Water Resources
HELIX Environmental Planning has provided as-needed environmental consulting services to the Padre Dam Municipal Water District since 2011. During that time, HELIX has provided a wide range of services, including biological resources, cultural resources, noise, air...
Biological Resource Studies, Featured Open Space, Parks & Open Space, Projects, Sectors, Water Resources
HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) conducted biological maintenance, monitoring, and reporting activities for the Otay Water District related to the San Miguel Habitat Management Area. The Otay Water District serves approximately 208,000 people in a 125.5 square...
Biological Resource Studies, CEQA/NEPA Compliance, Environmental Compliance Monitoring, Projects, Sectors, Water Resources
HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) provided a variety of environmental services for the Water Authority’s pipeline relining projects located in the Second San Diego Aqueduct right-of-way. HELIX has prepared CEQA documents, including six Mitigated Negative...
Biological Resource Studies, Environmental Compliance Monitoring, Featured Water Resoures, Projects, Regulatory Permitting, Water Resources
HELIX Environmental Planning has provided a broad range of as-needed environmental services to the City of San Diego Transportation and Storm Water Department. These services are associated with annual maintenance of the city’s storm water facilities pursuant to their...