Biological Resource Studies, Cultural Resource Management, Energy, Environmental Compliance Monitoring, Featured Cultural, Featured Energy, Projects, Regulatory Permitting, Sectors
HELIX serves as a subconsultant for the SDG&E on-call environmental services contract providing cultural resources and biological consulting services for projects involving pole replacement, operations and maintenance, transmission line planning and for programs...
Biological Resource Studies, CEQA/NEPA Compliance, Energy, Environmental Compliance Monitoring, Featured Energy, Fisheries & Aquatic Resources, Habitat Restoration, Projects, Sectors, SectorsPAGE
HELIX is the prime consultant for the Southern California Edison (SCE) Mitigation & Restoration Services (MARS) on-call contract to provide compensatory mitigation and habitat restoration technical and construction services to the SCE Environmental Services...
Acoustics & Noise Control, Air Quality & GHG, Biological Resource Studies, CEQA/NEPA Compliance, Cultural Resource Management, Energy, Featured Energy
HELIX prepared an EIR for the construction and operation of a solar energy generation and storage project on 410 acres in unincorporated North Livermore, Alameda County. HELIX prepared the EIR; technical studies including biological resources, cultural and historic...
Energy, Featured Fire Managment Services, Featured Habitat, Fire Management Services, Habitat Restoration, Projects, Water Resources
HELIX is providing vegetation management services for the Nevada Irrigation District Bowman 60kV transmission lines located on lands owned by PG&E, the U.S. Forest Service, and private owners in Nevada County. HELIX is cutting and removing brush and trees...
Biological Resource Studies, CEQA/NEPA Compliance, Energy, Featured Energy, Projects, Sectors, Visual Analysis
HELIX Environmental Planning assisted Inyo County with the preparation of a Renewable Energy General Plan Amendment (REGPA) and Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) to address state-mandated renewable energy demands and potential future utility-scale renewable...
Biological Resource Studies, Energy, Environmental Compliance Monitoring, Projects, Sectors
HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) provided consulting services support to Aspen Environmental Group for Southern California Edison’s (SCE’s) Devers–Palo Verde No. 2 Transmission Line Project’s Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS)....