Featured Water Resoures, Projects, Sectors, Water Resources
HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) is preparing a Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) for the Nevada Irrigation District’s Raw Water Master Plan. The Nevada Irrigation District is a diversified water resource agency that supplies water to nearly 25,000 homes,...
Featured Mining, Mining & Reclamation, Projects, Sectors
HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) prepared an EIR for the expansion of the existing 309-acre Blue Mountain Minerals quarry site located in Tuolumne County in northern California. In July 2013, an IS/MND was prepared for the project by Tuolumne County. The...
Parks & Open Space, Projects, Sectors
The City of Folsom’s award winning, multi-use bike trail network is recognized as one of the City’s crown jewels and a major attractant for residents and visitors alike. A key component of the City’s bike trail vision is connecting various trail segments and...
CEQA/NEPA Compliance, Projects
HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) completed an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the expansion of the existing Plaza Camino Real shopping center in Carlsbad. This EIR evaluated a Specific Plan, including a request to demolish a portion of the existing center...
CEQA/NEPA Compliance, Featured Military, Federal/Military, Projects
HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) is providing NEPA compliance and related environmental services to Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Southwest and its customers throughout California, Arizona, and Nevada. Contract duration is up to five years and...
Airports, CEQA/NEPA Compliance, Projects, Sectors
HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) prepared an Environmental Impact Report (EIR), as well as the federal Environmental Assessment (EA) necessary to secure a Presidential Permit from the Department of State, which was the NEPA lead agency for this high-profile...