Air Quality & GHG, Biological Resource Studies, CEQA/NEPA Compliance, Cultural Resource Management, Regulatory Permitting, Water Resources
HELIX is currently preparing a CEQA Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) for the City of Angels Camp’s Sewer Line Collection System Improvements and Replacement Project in Calaveras County. The...
Agricultural Resource Evaluations, Biological Resource Studies, CEQA/NEPA Compliance, Cultural Resource Management, Featured Agriculture, Land Use Planning, Projects, Sectors
In January 2016, Humboldt County was the first local government in the state to adopt a comprehensive local regulatory program known as the Commercial Medical Marijuana Land Use Ordinance (CMMLUO). Following the adoption of the CMMLUO and the recently approved...
Acoustics & Noise Control, Air Quality & GHG, Biological Resource Studies, CEQA/NEPA Compliance, Cultural Resource Management, Featured Transportation, Projects, Regulatory Permitting, Transportation, Visual Analysis
Working with a local engineering firm, HELIX is conducting environmental compliance studies in support of CEQA/NEPA documentation for two bridge replacement projects in Calaveras County (Caltrans District 10). HELIX prepared the draft Preliminary Environmental Study...
Cultural Resource Management, Featured Telecommunications, Projects, Telecommunications
Working on U.S. Forest Service land in San Bernardino County, HELIX surveyed six failed pole locations for HP Communications to determine whether cultural resources were present. HELIX conducted a record search at the San Bernardino Archaeological Information Center...
Cultural Resource Management, Federal/Military, Projects
HELIX provided cultural resource services for compliance with Veteran’s Affairs Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) regulations for a 10-acre project in the City of Clovis. Project tasks included a record search conducted at the Southern San...
Biological Resource Studies, CEQA/NEPA Compliance, Cultural Resource Management, Featured Telecommunications, Projects, Telecommunications
For Sprint, AT&T Mobility, and T-Mobile West locations across California and the western U.S., HELIX provides a myriad of environmental compliance services. To comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Endangered Species Act (ESA), and Section...