Biological Resource Studies, Cultural Resource Management, Energy, Environmental Compliance Monitoring, Featured Cultural, Featured Energy, Projects, Regulatory Permitting, Sectors
HELIX serves as a subconsultant for the SDG&E on-call environmental services contract providing cultural resources and biological consulting services for projects involving pole replacement, operations and maintenance, transmission line planning and for programs...
Cultural Resource Management, Featured Cultural, Parks & Open Space, Projects, Sectors
HELIX held a three year on-call contract with the County of Tuolumne to conduct cultural resources surveys and designate cultural sites in preparation for forest treatment activities such as reforestation, mastication, commercial and noncommercial thinning, and...
Acoustics & Noise Control, Air Quality & GHG, Biological Resource Studies, CEQA/NEPA Compliance, Cultural Resource Management, Private Development, Projects, Sectors, Visual Analysis
HELIX supported the City of Bishop with preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed Bishop Downtown Specific Plan. The project would increase allowable residential and commercial density in the downtown core of this rural and underserved City...
Acoustics & Noise Control, Air Quality & GHG, Biological Resource Studies, CEQA/NEPA Compliance, Cultural Resource Management, Energy, Featured Energy
HELIX prepared an EIR for the construction and operation of a solar energy generation and storage project on 410 acres in unincorporated North Livermore, Alameda County. HELIX prepared the EIR; technical studies including biological resources, cultural and historic...
CEQA/NEPA Compliance, Cultural Resource Management, Featured Fire Managment Services, Fire Management Services, Parks & Open Space
HELIX is currently providing Section 106 and CEQA/NEPA services, including preparation of the appropriate environmental review documents and supporting technical studies, in coordination with California Housing and Community Development (CA HCD), the U.S. Forest...
Air Quality & GHG, Biological Resource Studies, CEQA/NEPA Compliance, Cultural Resource Management, Private Development
HELIX prepared an IS/MND addressing construction of a mixed-use development on 17.4 acres as part of the Dumbarton Transportation Oriented Development (TOD) Specific Plan of the City of Newark, located adjacent to the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay Wildlife Refuge in...