Air Quality & GHG, Biological Resource Studies, CEQA/NEPA Compliance, Cultural Resource Management, Regulatory Permitting, Water Resources
HELIX is currently preparing a CEQA Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) for the City of Angels Camp’s Sewer Line Collection System Improvements and Replacement Project in Calaveras County. The...
Agricultural Resource Evaluations, Biological Resource Studies, CEQA/NEPA Compliance, Cultural Resource Management, Featured Agriculture, Land Use Planning, Projects, Sectors
In January 2016, Humboldt County was the first local government in the state to adopt a comprehensive local regulatory program known as the Commercial Medical Marijuana Land Use Ordinance (CMMLUO). Following the adoption of the CMMLUO and the recently approved...
Air Quality & GHG, Biological Resource Studies, CEQA/NEPA Compliance, Projects, Sectors, Transportation
HELIX Environmental Planning has prepared desktop environmental constraint analyses for segments of 16 potential high speed rail alignment corridors extending between the cities of Los Angeles and San Diego, including portions of San Diego, Riverside, San Bernardino,...
Air Quality & GHG, Biological Resource Studies, CEQA/NEPA Compliance, Projects, Sectors, Transportation
HELIX was awarded a three-year multi-disciplinary contract with Caltrans District 11 to provide environmental, biological, and cultural resources services, with a maximum contract value of approximately $4.4 million. HELIX also previously served as the sole as-needed...
Air Quality & GHG, CEQA/NEPA Compliance, Parks & Open Space, Projects, Regulatory Permitting, Sectors, Transportation
HELIX Environmental Planning has provided environmental services for five segments of the Bayshore Bikeway, a regional bicycle corridor that will ultimately extend approximately 24 miles around San Diego Bay in the County of San Diego. Once completed, the Bayshore...
Air Quality & GHG, CEQA/NEPA Compliance, Education, Healthcare, Projects, Sectors
HELIX prepared CEQA documentation for the proposed therapeutics research facility on the campus of the UC San Diego. Tasks include the preparation of a focused Environmental Impact Report (EIR), tiered from the 2004 Long Range Development Plan (LRDP) Program EIR (as...