Air Quality & GHG, Biological Resource Studies, CEQA/NEPA Compliance, Projects, Sectors, Transportation
HELIX Environmental Planning has prepared desktop environmental constraint analyses for segments of 16 potential high speed rail alignment corridors extending between the cities of Los Angeles and San Diego, including portions of San Diego, Riverside, San Bernardino,...
Air Quality & GHG, Biological Resource Studies, CEQA/NEPA Compliance, Projects, Sectors, Transportation
HELIX was awarded a three-year multi-disciplinary contract with Caltrans District 11 to provide environmental, biological, and cultural resources services, with a maximum contract value of approximately $4.4 million. HELIX also previously served as the sole as-needed...
Biological Resource Studies, Environmental Compliance Monitoring, Habitat Restoration, Parks & Open Space, Projects, Sectors
HELIX is leading a 57-acre habitat restoration project within the San Diego River channel, between I-15 and I-805, south of the former Qualcomm Stadium, in the Mission Valley area of the City of San Diego. The restoration project is serving as mitigation for multiple...
Air Quality & GHG, Biological Resource Studies, CEQA/NEPA Compliance, Projects, Regulatory Permitting, Sectors, Transportation, Visual Analysis
HELIX Environmental Planning prepared a Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) for an update to the City of San Diego’s existing Bicycle Master Plan. The update more than doubled the number of miles of bicycle facilities and increased the total length...
Air Quality & GHG, Biological Resource Studies, CEQA/NEPA Compliance, Parks & Open Space, Projects, Sectors
HELIX prepared a Biological Technical Report (BTR), Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Technical Report, and draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) evaluating the potential environmental impacts of the proposed Torrey Pines General Development...
Acoustics & Noise Control, Air Quality & GHG, Biological Resource Studies, CEQA/NEPA Compliance, Cultural Resource Management, Featured Transportation, Projects, Regulatory Permitting, Transportation, Visual Analysis
Working with a local engineering firm, HELIX is conducting environmental compliance studies in support of CEQA/NEPA documentation for two bridge replacement projects in Calaveras County (Caltrans District 10). HELIX prepared the draft Preliminary Environmental Study...