HELIX Volunteers with San Diego Canyonlands to Restore Hollywood Canyon
HELIX employees, friends, and family volunteered with San Diego Canyonlands to install 500 native upland and wetland plants in Hollywood Canyon on Saturday, February 28. The rain over the weekend will help to get these plants off to a great start in their new home....
HELIX Staff and Families Plant Trees for the America River Parkway Foundation
Employees from HELIX’s Folsom office and their families helped to restore native habitat and vegetation this weekend with the American River Parkway Foundation. At the Sustainable Saturday event, 100 trees and native shrubs were planted along the 23-mile Parkway...
It’s Time to Schedule Sensitive Species Surveys
HELIX’s team of over 40 biologists just kicked off the sensitive plant and animal spring survey season with Quino checkerspot butterfly surveys. Our staff, located throughout California, holds federal and state authorizations that qualify HELIX biologists to conduct a...
HELIX Awarded Contract for Otay Water District San Miguel Habitat Management Area
The Otay Water District awarded HELIX with a contract to provide biological maintenance, monitoring, and reporting activities for the San Miguel Habitat Management Area (HMA) and CIP-associated mitigation/restoration projects. The Otay Water District serves...