Featured Regulatory, Land Use Planning, Private Development, Projects, Regulatory Permitting, Sectors
HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) is providing CEQA consultation and regulatory permitting services for the Meadowlands Subdivision project in the City of Lincoln. HELIX is working with the City to complete the CEQA process and is leading the aquatic permit...
Featured Private Development, Featured Regulatory, Land Use Planning, Private Development, Projects, Regulatory Permitting, Sectors
HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) provided biological services for a 961-acre master planned community project in the unincorporated area south of the City of Corona in Riverside County. Tasks included conducting rare plant surveys, conducting a riverine California...
Acoustics & Noise Control, Biological Resource Studies, Featured Acoustics, Featured Regulatory, Featured Transportation, Projects, Regulatory Permitting, Transportation
HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) has provided environmental services for several SANDAG Los Angeles-San Diego-San Luis Obispo (LOSSAN) Double Track projects. Services included environmental program scoping; environmental constraints/alternatives analysis;...