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Carson Creek Preserve

Carson Creek Preserve consists of 128-acres of wetland preserve and open space located in the unincorporated community of El Dorado Hills, El Dorado County. The Preserve was created in accordance with USACE and CDFW requirements for development of 578-acres (Units 1 and 2) within the 1,700-acre Carson Creek Specific Plan. HELIX’s regulatory specialists managed and prepared permit applications/ acquisitions and supporting regulatory compliance documentation relevant to obtaining a Federal Clean Water Act Section 404 Individual Permit, as well as Federal ESA Section 7 Consultation, Section 106 Consultation, 401 Water Quality Certification, and the CDFW Streambed Alteration Agreement in support of development of the Carson Creek Unit 2 Project and the conservation of the open space along the corridor of Carson Creek and its tributaries. HELIX’s biologists conducted a wetland delineation, biological resources assessment, biological pre-construction surveys, worker environmental awareness program training, and construction monitoring. HELIX’s Landscape Architects prepared a Revegetation, Mitigation and Monitoring Plan and construction documents for the restoration of five acres of native riparian habitat within the preserve pursuant to USACE and CDFW special conditions. HELIX’s restoration specialists implemented the restoration project, including installing irrigation, native plants and cuttings, bat and bird boxes, followed by five years of maintenance and monitoring. We worked with the USACE and CDFW to prepare the Preserve Long-term Management Plan, Grazing Plan, and Conservation Easement. As the Preserve Manager, HELIX conducted annual general and biological inspections and prepared annual reports for agency review. HELIX conducted preserve maintenance activities included removing invasive species from within sensitive riparian habitat preserve followed by herbicide treatment.

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