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Aramis Solar Energy Generation and Storage Project EIR

HELIX prepared an EIR for the construction and operation of a solar energy generation and storage project on 410 acres in unincorporated North Livermore, Alameda County. HELIX prepared the EIR; technical studies including biological resources, cultural and historic resources evaluation, air quality/greenhouse gas, and noise technical reports; and managed a thorough Administrative Record in anticipation of a legal challenge. The preparation of the biological resources technical report included conducting general biological surveys, an aquatics delineation report, protocol surveys for the federally listed as threatened California red-legged frog, and rare plant surveys. The preparation of the cultural resources technical report included conducting a pedestrian survey, records search, and historic evaluation of nearby ranching structures that were determined to be eligible for listing with the National Register of Historic Places, California Register of Historical Resources, and the local County register. HELIX staff supported the preparation of numerous County reports and presented the project and key environmental issue areas to the public and Board members at numerous public scoping meetings and hearings. The project was approved and the EIR was certified by the East County Board of Zoning Adjustments in November 2020. HELIX supported the County through an appeal process which resulted in the County Board of Supervisors approving and certifying the EIR. HELIX also supported the County when a lawsuit and subsequent appeal was filed in which California’s 1st District Court of Appeal rejected the appeal to overturn Alameda County’s approval of the project.

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