HELIX is its People
We know that our employees are pivotal to our success, and in turn the success of our clients. Our many long-standing client relationships demonstrate the individual and collective integrity, knowledge, skill, and customer focus that we apply every day. As employee owners, we understand the value of HELIX is directly related to the work we perform.
We are dedicated to our clients, and we are passionate about providing the highest quality of service to every customer, on every product, for every project – no matter how big or small. We pride ourselves on our commitment to excellence, and to make it happen, we know that it takes a team and a diligent effort. We all roll up our sleeves, at every level of the company, and we jump in to support each other along the way.
HELIX’s staff has in-depth experience working with a variety of industries, and they hold a number of licenses, permits, and certifications to offer comprehensive solutions to our clients. Our technical staff includes environmental planners, technical study specialists (e.g., air quality/greenhouse gas and noise/acoustical specialists), registered professional archaeologists, architectural historians, ecologists, permitted wildlife biologists and botanists, certified arborists, landscape architects, wetland scientists, habitat mitigation experts, regulatory permitting specialists, habitat restoration specialists, vegetation management field crews, equipment operators, native plant nursery specialists, certified drone pilots, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) staff, all backed by an operational team.