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Biological Resource Studies

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By Service


City of Bishop Downtown Specific Plan & Mixed-Use Overlay Program EIR
HELIX supported the City of Bishop with preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed Bishop Downtown Specific
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Dumbarton Transit Oriented Development FMC Parcel C
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Angels Camp Sewer Line Collection System
HELIX is currently preparing a CEQA Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) for
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City of San Diego Brush Management Plan
The City of San Diego Open Space Division, under three awarded FEMA grants, carried out a brush management plan to
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Rancho Guejito Witch Fire Biological Damage Assessment
HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) conducted studies to assess effects of the Witch Fire on the 21,000-acre Rancho Guejito property located
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El Dorado County Cooperative Wildland Fire Prevention Strategy
HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) is providing environmental services for a fuel break project in El Dorado County involving cooperative efforts
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California High Speed Rail
HELIX Environmental Planning has prepared desktop environmental constraint analyses for segments of 16 potential high speed rail alignment corridors extending between
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Caltrans District 11 On-Call Environmental Services
HELIX was awarded a three-year multi-disciplinary contract with Caltrans District 11 to provide environmental, biological, and cultural resources services, with
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Qualcomm Stadium Wetland Mitigation
HELIX is leading a 57-acre habitat restoration project within the San Diego River channel, between I-15 and I-805, south of
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City of San Diego Bicycle Master Plan Update PEIR
HELIX Environmental Planning prepared a Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) for an update to the City of San Diego’s existing
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Torrey Pines City Park General Development Plan
HELIX prepared a Biological Technical Report (BTR), Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Technical Report, and draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative
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Tecolote Canyon
HELIX prepared a Natural Resource Management Plan for the approximately 900-acre natural park in the Linda Vista and Clairemont Mesa
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Palmdale Regional Groundwater Recharge & Recovery
HELIX Environmental Planning prepared an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and conducted associated technical studies (including biological resources, acoustics, and air quality/greenhouse
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Carlsbad Oaks North
HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) provided environmental compliance monitoring during construction and during the post-construction phase of the Carlsbad Oaks North
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Salk Owner’s Association Open Space Restoration & Monitoring
HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) biologists and Construction Group staff worked with the Salk Owner’s Association and a group of commercial
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Inland Feeder Utility Project Habitat Restoration
HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) biologists and Construction Group staff conducted upland habitat restoration and enhancement services for approximately 100 acres
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Orchard at Penryn
HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) conducted a biological resource assessment, habitat mapping, and delineated waters of the United States on an
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City of San Diego Public Utilities Department, As-Needed Environmental Services
HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) is currently providing environmental consulting services to the City of San Diego Public Utilities Department (PUD),
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Greenbriar Habitat Conservation Plan
Located within the Natomas Basin of Sacramento, the Greenbriar Development Project encompasses a 577-acre agricultural site slated for transit-oriented residential
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Devers to Palo Verde No. 2 Transmission Line
HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) provided consulting services support to Aspen Environmental Group for Southern California Edison’s (SCE’s) Devers–Palo Verde No.
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California Energy Commission As-Needed Biological Services for Solar Projects
HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) was under contract to Aspen Environmental Group on an as-needed basis to provide impact analyses for
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Tule Wind Energy Project
HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) provided biological and habitat restoration services for Iberdrola Renewables’ Tule Wind Energy Project located in the
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Desert Green Solar Project
The 6.3-megawatt Desert Green Solar Farm, located in Borrego Springs, began commercial operations in 2015 . Prior to construction, HELIX
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Owens Valley Solar Energy Study
Following HELIX Environmental Planning’s (HELIX’s) successful preparation of the Inyo County Renewable Energy General Plan Amendment (REGPA) and Program Environmental
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Tranquillity Solar Project
HELIX Environmental Planning was contracted with the County of Fresno to provide mitigation compliance and reporting services for Recurrent Energy’s
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Sunrise Powerlink
The Sunrise Powerlink project is an approximately 117-mile-long project that includes a 500 kV transmission line from the Imperial Valley
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Miramar National Cemetery Vernal Pool Restoration
HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) conducted restoration monitoring of a vernal pool mitigation area located on Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS)
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San Diego County Water Authority Pipeline Relining Projects
HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) provided a variety of environmental services for the Water Authority’s pipeline relining projects located in the
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Pure Water San Diego
HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) produced a detailed biological constraints report addressing a 20-year, phased program that involves planning, design, and
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Quarry Creek
HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) prepared an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Quarry Creek Project and a Subsequent EIR (SEIR)
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King Fire Restoration and Botanical Surveys
To assist the U.S. Forest Service with their habitat restoration and emergency response efforts, five teams of HELIX Environmental Planning
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