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Lake Natoma Waterfront & Trail Enhancement

 Lake Natoma trailHELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) provided environmental consulting services for the Lake Natoma waterfront and trail enhancement project in the City of Folsom. The purpose of the project is to provide Americans with Disability Act (ADA) compliant access to the Lake Natoma waterfront and Folsom historic district. Currently the pedestrian access is primarily limited to unpaved trails and steep slopes originating from the East Lake Natoma Bike Trail. The proposed trail is located adjacent to Lake Natoma and the American River and the project area is located within the Folsom Lake State Recreation Area. HELIX delivered environmental awareness training to construction personnel regarding the identification of sensitive species, required practices, measures for species conservation, and non-compliance penalties. During tree removal, HELIX surveyed for nesting birds. Additionally, pre-construction biological surveys were conducted for raptors and migratory birds, pallid bats, western pond turtle, and California red-legged frog. HELIX is actively monitoring construction and best management practices for implementation near elderberry shrubs. Additionally, HELIX is conducting a vegetation and habitat mapping and creating a habitat mitigation and monitoring plan that includes a native planting palette and irrigation plan.

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